Friday, February 10, 2012

Check her out!

It's amazing what the internet can do!  There is a whole community out there for us mama's who cloth diaper and homeschool.  And for WAHM's!  One of the communities I share in is diaperswappers.  I have met some incredible mama's and some great Work At Home Mom's.  It even has a marketplace where you can find ALL KINDS of stuff for buy/sell/trade, from homeschooling curriculum, clothing, video games, anything pertaining to babies, and yes, of course, cloth diapers!  I've got a few posts in diaperswappers and this is where I also have announced Jodi's soapbox and have gotten some testers for my products.  Through doing this I have met a wonderful mama who also blogs!  So go check her blog out here!  She's an awesome mama and a great supporter to us WAHM's.  Thank you Polly for your support!


  1. You Are awesome Jodi I just seen this I thought you wanted me to look at your homeschool one !!! :) you too are awesome and each others help we're gonna do big things!! :) love it thank you God Bless You

  2. Ah, I'm glad you saw this! Keep up the good work Polly! :)
