
Now, let me start by saying this....a homebirth is NOT for everyone and in no way am I expressing that all women should do it.  I'm very thankful for hospitals and doctors who specialize in obstetrics, and especially modern technology!  My husband and I made this decision solely based on our own experience with the labor and delivery of our first child.  With this said, I will add, it was the best decision for us.  God truly blessed us with a wonderful 2nd labor and delivery, safely in the comfort of our own home.  Along the path, I have made a wonderful friend who is a CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife).  We used the Bradley Method ( http://bradleybirth.com/ ) during the labor and my husband was fantastic.  Its amazing what a woman's body can do!  Don't get me wrong, labor is painful!  Pushing is intense!  But, completely different....it's not unbearable.  It's not something to be afraid of.  Even though it's painful, it's empowering.  As being someone who has experienced a medicated birth and then a "natural" one, I'd do all-natural again.

 Gabriella was born in water after 14 hours of labor, two days before her due date.  We left the placenta attached for a good 2 hours or so, and her color was amazing.  We chose not to due the Vitamin K injection.  I had it available to give, but chose not to because the birth was not traumatic or difficult (not in pain difficult, but as in "somethings going wrong" difficult). I would advise doing your own research (if deciding a homebirth, hospitals automatically give Vitamin K injections) on whether you want to give a Vitamin K injection to your newborn and talk with your midwife about it.

I have to say this, if you plan on a natural birthing experience like this, please be mentally prepared that labor is hard work.  Thus the reason it's called labor!  A marathon runner trains for the marathon months/years in advance, the same goes for preparing and giving birth.  I strongly encourage a Bradley Method class.  They are excellent!  Plus, it gives you and your man some bonding time, like a date!  Or, that's how we saw it.  If you have any questions regarding an interest in a homebirth, you may ask me.  Can't say whether I will be of any help though!  I am by no means a professional, all I can tell you is my experience.  However, I do know some professionals in the field of homebirthing of whom I would be more than happy to refer you to.  I will not be touching much on this subject on this blog because it's over and done with, wonderful it was, but my husband and I are probably not going to plan on having anymore children.  However, if God has other plans and decides to surprisingly give us another child, a homebirth would be our go-to.  Below are some links of information that may be useful, and if you are in the Tri-state area of MD, WV, VA, I will post some referral links for some homebirthing midwives who may be able to answer your questions.










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